Logic Development

Teacher Incharge : Ms. Simpy
Venue : Lab 2 (12:30 - 1:30)
Time Duration : 1 hour
Team Member : 1 participant per team

a)    The problem will be given on the spot to develop the logic
b)    Students can use only C/C++ to develop the logic

In a program logic is a code or set of instructions to solve a particular problem. Logic is important in each and every program as every program have some logic to solve the problem. Logic is a special set of instructions given to the computer. The computer executes the given instructions specified in the logic and solve the problem by using those instructions.
Every programmer should think logically in order to develop logic for a program. but the problem arises here is how to think logically? So in order to think logically we should learn how a logic will work and how to develop a logic for a program.